Going Green

Green sites

At MG WebDev, we are known to always make our sites with love - for our customers, and the environment

As one of the world's leading brands for web services and companies, websites form the majority of MG WebDev's business around the world. Hence, a major step towards a greener society involves our services.

 We are acutely aware of the impact that our services have on the environment. Therefore, it is imperative to observe how each part of our service impacts the environment, to engage in necessary actions to encourage environmentally sound industrial processes, and responsible consumption and production for the environment amongst our users and partners.

Eco-friendly sites

MG WebDev started with eco-friendly sites at the beginning of 2023. We want to encourage all green and eco-friendly sites with our customers and partners, that is why eco-friendly sites, created by us now have the eco-friendly badge.

Badges you can see on eco-friendly sites

The switch to an
Eco-friendly site

Before you switch to an eco-friendly site, we'll notify you through email. To cancel the change to an eco-friendly site you can reply to that mail saying "cancel". If you don't reply within 24 hours, you'll be switched to an eco-friendly site.
Note: The switch to an eco-friendly site can't be undone.